Cofnod Datgelu Rhyddid Gwybodaeth


Mae'r adnodd ar-lein hwn yn gofnod o ymatebion i geisiadau a dderbyniwyd dan Ddeddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000.

Bydd sicrhau bod yr ymatebion hyn ar gael i'r gymuned ehangach yn helpu pobl i ddeall gwaith Swyddfa'r Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throseddu yn well ynghyd â deall pa fath o wybodaeth sy'n cael ei chadw.

Clirio'r Chwiliad
22 Gorffennaf 2020
Request for total number of staff, their salary and expenses over the last three years specifying those employed for PR purposes.
12 Mehefin 2020
Request for total spend on public relations in each of the last 5 years by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
12 Mehefin 2020
Request for the names of properties in the Commissioners Estate Strategy and their condition as assessed in the recent property assessment survey.
24 Ebrill 2020
Request for the number of times the OPCC have challenged the Forces implementation of the Coronavirus Act
23 Ebrill 2020
Request for the quantity of Police road blocks, check points, vehicles observed, warnings and fines issued over the Easter Bank holiday weekend during the Coronavirus pandemic
19 Mawrth 2020
Request for the Salaries of the Office and Police Crime Commissioners Team between 2018- 2020
19 Mawrth 2020
Response to consultation on the 'Strengthening the powers to tackle unauthorised encampments in 2019'
16 Mawrth 2020
Request for policies on recording suspected and convicted criminals by their gender
16 Mawrth 2020
Request for informatin regarding SIRO (Senior Information Risk Owner)
3 Mawrth 2020
Request for traffic violations in Gwent