Previous surveys
- Precept Findings 2024/25
- Precept Findings 2023/24
Annex A – ‘Have your say on police funding’ report
Annex B – ‘Estate Strategy review’ report - Precept Findings 2022/23
- Police and Crime Plan survey 2021
- ‘Have your say on policing’ survey 2021/22
- Precept Findings 2020/21
- OPCC and Gwent Police Equality Objectives Consultation Evaluation Report 2020-24
- OPCC and Gwent Police Equality Objectives 2020-24 Appendix A
- Precept Findings 2019/20 Appendix
- Precept Consultation 2018/19 Appendix
- Precept Consultation 2017/18 Appendix
- Have Your Say on the Police and Crime priorities for Gwent 2016/17 Appendix
- Key Themes from Consultations and Engagement during 2016/17 to inform the Police and Crime Plan for 2017/21
- Precept Consultation 2016/17
- 'Are We Fair?' - informing the new Strategic Equality Plan for Gwent 2016-2020
- Your Policing - Your View 2015
- Precept and Priorities Consultation 2014
- Community Remedy and Community Trigger 2014 (Decision log - PCCG-2014-074)
- Police and Crime Plan 2013-2017 - consultation responses were considered and incorporated into the finalised Plan.