Gwent Police and Crime Plan

The Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan sets out the priorities for policing in Gwent until 2025.

Quick Links

Making a complaint

Information on how to make a complaint against Gwent Police, or the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.


Decisions of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent.

Latest news

Respect for Rhymney

Police and Crime Commissioner Jane Mudd has praised the neighbourhood policing team in Caerphilly for a new initiative to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour in the Rhymney....

Applications open for Gwent High Sheriff Community Fund

Community groups, voluntary organisations or charities in Gwent can apply for grants of up to £5000 from the Gwent High Sheriff Community Fund for projects that support...

Commissioner praises policing volunteers

Police and Crime Commissioner Jane Mudd has praised volunteers who help the police protect and serve the people of Gwent.

Police and Crime Commissioner congratulates student officers

Police and Crime Commissioner Jane Mudd has congratulated 50 student police officers who formally graduated this week.

PCC joins residents to celebrate reopening of community church

Police and Crime Commissioner Jane Mudd joined residents for the grand reopening of The House – the home of Bethel Community Church - in Newport.

PCC thanks residents for taking part in survey

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jane Mudd, has thanked residents for taking part in her Police and Crime Plan survey over the summer.