Decision Making Framework

The principles of good governance in public life require that the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and staff supporting the PCC’s functions should:

  • maintain open and effective mechanisms for documenting evidence for decisions and recording the criteria, rationale and considerations on which decisions are based
  • ensure that those making decisions are provided with information that is fit for the purpose – relevant, timely and gives clear explanations of technical issues and their implications;
  • ensure that proper professional advice on matters that have legal or financial implications is available and recorded well in advance of decision making and used appropriately;
  • actively recognise the limits of lawful activity placed on them by, for example, the beyond their powers (ultra vires) doctrine but also strive to utilise their powers to the full benefit of their communities;
  • decide how value for money is to be measured and make sure that the PCC has the information needed to review value for money and performance effectively;
  • measure the environmental and equality impact of policies, plans and decisions;
  • determine a scheme of delegation and reserve powers within the constitution, and ensure that it is monitored and updated when required.

To provide assistance in achieving these functions a decision making framework has been published.
