Commissioner visits Cwm Crachen residents

18th December 2012

I very much enjoyed today's visit which was a good chance to discuss various issues with members of the local community. During my campaign I made it clear that I value the thoughts and comments of all residents in regards to their policing service. Today's visit is one of many I will make to communities and groups across Gwent.

I was very impressed with the excellent relationship the local neighbourhood policing team has with the community here, and the feedback I received will help me formulate a policing plan which is both representative and fair and reflects the needs of all Gwent residents.

Whilst I'm keen to meet as many residents as possible I'm conscious that this is not always going to be practical. However I value any feedback and would urge all residents who have views on the kind of police service they want to contact me via my office: ring 01633 642200 email: / tweet; @gwentpcc Facebook: or write to me:

Ian Johnston
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
Police Headquarters
NP44 2XJ