Request for information in relation to training provided to overseas police Forces

Reference: 21007

Date Added: Monday, May 10, 2021

Category: Training

Disclosure Details

Thank you for your recent request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Two duties are placed on public authorities under Section 1 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). Notwithstanding applicable exemptions, the first duty at, Section 1(1) (a), is to confirm or deny whether the information specified in a request is held. The second duty at, Section1 (1) (b), is to disclose information that has been confirmed as being held. Under the provisions of those sections of the FOIA, we can confirm that the information you seek is not held by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent. Please find response below.


  1. Training provided to overseas police forces in 2021 as well as 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016. In each case please include the following information:


a) The dates of the training

No information held.


b) Country/ locality of the overseas force

No information held.


 c) The name and purpose of the training

No information held.


 d) The cost of the contract

No information held.


e) The source(s) of the funding

No information held.


 f) Specify the particular police force and/or the unit being trained

No information held.


 g) The rank/ status and number of personnel trained

No information held.


 h) The location of the training

No information held.


 i) Names of any other public bodies or private entities engaged in the planning or delivery of the training and details of their role

No information held.


 j) Whether authorisation was obtained from the Home Secretary, as under section 26 of the Police Act

No information held.


 k) Whether forms were submitted to the International Police Assistance Board and/or Joint International Policing Hub

No information held.


 l) Whether an Overseas Security and Justice Assistance assessment was carried out and if so to which authority it was submitted

No information held.


2.  Forthcoming contracts for training of overseas police that have been agreed or proposed. In each case please include the information requested in points a-l above.

No information held.


The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent (OPCC) and Gwent Police are two separate organisations.   You may wish to contact Gwent Police directly to determine if they have the information requested via the following link   Request information about the police | Gwent Police or visit their website


The Freedom of Information Act is a public disclosure regime, not a private regime. Any information disclosed under the Act is thereafter deemed to be in the public domain, and therefore freely available to the general public and will be published on the OPCC website.