Gwent OPCC providing Value for Money
While the Commissioner's responsibilities are much wider than those of the former police authorities and he has wider commissioning responsibilities, by comparing costs that are direct and comparable, such as those used for the running of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, he can show that his office represents value for money and significant savings. For 2013/14 these show that they will be £46,225 less than the previous year.
Mr Johnston is pleased to show that the OPCC is offering value for money:
"While last year it was difficult to differentiate between the overall budget and the running costs of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner because it was so new, this year we are able to show clearly that we have made a significant saving compared to the previous administration and that we represent value for money which is something I promised to the people of Gwent. The budget will of course be subjected to continuous scrutiny."