Give your views on police premises
Residents can give their views on policing premises in Gwent.
Gwent Police’s Estate Strategy is being reviewed to ensure that police premises are sustainable, affordable and fit to deliver modern day policing.
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, and Gwent Police, would like residents’ views to inform the review of the Estate Strategy. This will help them to deliver a resident-focused policing service, while supporting operational policing requirements and demonstrating value for money.
Complete the survey
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert, has responsibility for the Gwent Police estate. He said: “The Chief Constable and I are reviewing our joint Estate Strategy to make sure that Gwent Police premises are fit for purpose to deliver modern day policing services.
“Our revised strategy will provide Gwent Police with sustainable, modern environments from which to protect and reassure our communities. As part of this, we want to know your views which will help us to shape a strategy that will allow us to better protect communities, while also delivering value for money for residents.”
The Estate Strategy aims to ensure that services are delivered consistently across Gwent, while giving Gwent Police the flexibility to evolve to meet emerging and future changes. This includes elements of collaboration at a local and regional level which will create a modern, demand-led model of policing.
The current objectives of the Estate Strategy are to provide an estate that:
- Provides a citizen-focused policing service
- Supports operational policing requirements
- Demonstrates value for money; and
- Is designed for the future.