Request for list of property owned by the PCC with addresses including joint ownership with other organisations or a neighbouring force.
Reference: 21043
Date Added: Thursday, February 3, 2022
Disclosure Details
Thank you for your recent request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000.
Two duties are placed on public authorities under Section 1 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). Notwithstanding applicable exemptions, the first duty at, Section 1(1) (a), is to confirm or deny whether the information specified in a request is held. The second duty at, Section1 (1) (b), is to disclose information that has been confirmed as being held. Under the provisions of those sections of the FOIA, we can confirm that the information you seek is held by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent.
You have requested the following information:
- Please could you provide a full list of property owned by the Police and Crime Commissioner with addresses, could you please include details where joint ownership or similar agreement exists between the PCC and other organisations such as a neighbouring police force.
We have partly refused your request under Section 31(1) Law Enforcement , Section 24(1) National Security and S38(1) Health and Safety of the freedom of Information Act, primarily to protect the release of locations that could be targeted for the purpose of disrupting general law enforcement activities and functions, and harm those who visit/work at the locations. Please see attached schedule of remaining premises that make up the Gwent Police Estate.
Section 31(1)
Having properties in locations that are not in the public domain allows for certain policing activities to be carried out with the minimal possibility of being observed. Disclosing the locations of those properties may allow criminals to determine where those activities are being carried out. Criminals could therefore observe them in order to gain intelligence which could aid criminal activity as they may be less likely to be detected and may be more effective at responding to the police. This knowledge could also undermine and disrupt the policing activities undertaken at certain locations.
Section 24(1)
The threat of terrorism cannot be ignored. The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK is ‘severe’ which means that an attack is highly likely. To release further information in relation to properties owned, or utilised by the Police and their locations would undermine policing capabilities which would consequently be detrimental to our ability to deal with the ongoing terrorist threat we face.
Section 38(1)
Furthermore, the health and safety of the individuals frequenting those locations would be put at risk. The individuals who work at these locations could be identified as being involved in policing activities. This could put them in danger of being targeted by criminals whilst carrying out those activities.
Balance Test:
Whilst there is a general public interest in being open and transparent about how and where public money is spent and the services that we provide, there is a greater public interest in protecting our policing abilities, nation security and the health and safety of individuals. No information will be released into the public domain if to do so would undermine our capabilities. The Police has a responsibility to its staff and the communities we serve and therefore it is for the reasons outlined above that it is decided that the public interest weighs in favour of non-disclosure.
- Please could you provide a full list of property rented or leased by the Police and Crime Commissioner with addresses, used for a policing purpose or residential use by your police force.
The schedule of ownership is on the attached document under the Ownership Section.
The are no residential premises in the Estate
- In the past 12 months has your force rented any properties on a short term basis and if so could you please provide details including rent paid and any deposits or similar provided as part of the rental or lease of the property.
In the past 12 months , a short term 2 year lease (with a 1 year break clause) was taken on Block C Caerleon House Mamhilad at £42,500 per annum. The details of the premises are on the attached schedule.
- During the same period has the PCC disposed of any buildings previously used for policing or in support of policing, if so please provide details of the building(s) disposed of.
Premises at Wilcrick Magor were disposed of. This was a former depot – Yard and Small building for M4 Patrol Vehicles.
- Can you provide details of how buildings and estate are managed by the PCC on behalf of Policing within your force area.
The estate is managed by the Gwent Police Estate and Facilities Department on behalf of the PCC. They manage all Estate issues that include Capital Works, Revenue Works, Acquisitions, Disposals, Maintenance, Utilities , Cleaning and Facilities Management and report in to PCC on a monthly basis.
For clarity when I refer to property I mean buildings such as bases, offices, police stations, or other buildings used in support of a policing purpose.
The Freedom of Information Act is a public disclosure regime, not a private regime. Any information disclosed under the Act is thereafter deemed to be in the public domain, and therefore freely available to the general public and will be published on the OPCC website.
You have the right to appeal our decision if you think it is incorrect. Should you feel dissatisfied with this response or the way in which your request was handled, information on the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent FOI Appeals Procedure can be found on our website:
If you remain dissatisfied after an internal review decision, you have the right to apply to the Information Commissioner’s Office. The Commissioner is an independent regulator whose details can be found using the following link: Home | ICO
You can also write to the Information Commissioner’s Office at the following address:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF