
Decisions of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent .

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8 January 2024
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has undertaken a review of Gwent Police's gifts and hospitality and business interest registers for 2022-23
8 January 2024
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has undertaken a review of his office's gifts and hospitality and business interest registers for 2022-23.
4 January 2024
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has approved the Treasury Management Strategy for 2024-25 to 2026-27 and the Treasury Management Practices.
4 January 2024
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has monitored the Treasury Management Activity for the period 1 April 2023 to 30 September 2023
PCCG-2023- 014
21 December 2023
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed act as banker in respect of funding allocation between Criminal Justice in Wales (CJIW) and Clinks and the contribution towards Development Officer costs in regards to the Community Engagement Network
14 December 2023
The Police and Crime Commissioner has considered participating in potential litigation against a supplier for providing defective products.
12 December 2023
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has received the Joint Audit Committee Annual Report for 2022/23.
7 December 2023
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to award funding to organisations working together with Gwent Police to deliver serious violence and organised crime interventions during 2023/24.
6 December 2023
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to contribute £3,750 funding towards the National Black Police Association Conference.
5 December 2023
The Police and Crime Commissioner agreed to continue to contribute to the Gwent High Sheriffs’ Community Fund (GHSCF) for 2024/25.